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What should you look for with a video conferencing solution for SME?

by Ace Business Pte Ltd on July 01, 2021

As the recent covid-19 going around, more people would have to be careful and business should be prepared by getting ready to WFH and not have too many large gatherings and use video conferencing as a solution.

Look into cloud based conferencing as using Cisco would require you to have a large investment and space to host such a server but now with cloud video conferencing it has become very cheap to do a company wide conferencing with very little budget.

The problem with conference meetings is sound can be affected such as when meeting your mic will pick up background noise or the speaker will have their sounds muffled or in order to be heard they would have to shout. As a result this can cause inefficiency as comments that were supposed to be heard would be repeated or lost. 

But there are many conference tools that would help you with that from our shop from wired to wireless. Using the right tools will help with making your conferencing a better experience for the whole company 

Take a look at our website today on the products that we have and improve your conferencing experience today.Visit us at  https://av.sg/ or if you would like our expertise, contact us at 6262 0402 / 8264 5622 or email us at info@av.sg.